This episode is all about boobs.
As a side, I mention this at the end of the episode but just in case… if you want a good drinking game, take a sip every single time we say “Boobs!” I can promise you a tipsy result lol.
In this episode we talk about:
When Jessy says “what do I talk about with Scarlet a lot...,” and it’s boobs, it’s so true.
Scarlet launched a ring collection called for The Love of Boobs with Anice Jewellery
There are 5 different rings in that collection and they are; Gravity is a force, Hello Dolly, Mama needs to feed, Itty Titty, Imperfectly perfect.
Then Scarlet & Anice launched two more rings that are dedicated to breast cancer awareness; the single and double mastectomy rings.
We discuss the story behind Scarlet’s collection of rings and how she made them become a reality with the help of Brit from Anice.
We talk about Nikki Mckean and her experience having gone thru cancer. She is one of the biggest inspirations to Scarlet. And, a photo of her was the image used in designing those rings.
We both share our relationship with boobs.
Jessy unintentionally auditions for the Beaches with her rendition of the Itty bitty titty song..
Scarlet talks about posting a photo of the rings against her chest (cause the rings are of boobs so it made sense) on instagram and then she lost 1.5k followers.
They talk about what does and doesn’t get likes on their Instagram.
Jessy talks about the ring she bought from the collection and why...
We talk about breast cancer and those women we’ve lost.
We talk about how these rings represent more than boobs but the bigger picture with body love and why people would buy them.
Scarlet talks about Sarah from The Birds Papaya; how she’s super inspiring to her, how she represents self love and body positivity. She was the one influencer Scarlet wanted to work with in getting her ring out to the public and loves what Sara stands for & fights for.
We are honouring boobs with this episode.
And this is just the beginning of our boob conversations...