We didn’t make Camille Nelson bring all of the instruments she plays into the studio today, which is a good thing – there may not have been room for them all. Camille Nelson is a classically trained artist whose new album, "Lead Me Home," can be found near the top of a number of different Billboard charts.
For Camille, studying violin at age 6 was the doorway through which she stepped to develop a close relationship with the guitar, and then piano, banjo, mandolin, and more. All of that have given her the ability to experiment with classical, folk, pop, and new age sounds, and all of those influences have found a comfortable home in her recordings. She has distinguished herself as an athlete, a public speaker, an educator, an author, and more.
Camille has lived in South Africa, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, and she speaks German and Italian fluently. She received her bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of Utah and her Ph.D. from Gonzaga University. She currently teaches MBA courses in management, communication, and leadership. She is also the sister of Steven Sharp Nelson, the cellist in The Piano Guys.
Songs Featured: Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, Be Thou My Vision, Be Still My Soul, Israel Israel God Is Calling, Come Come Ye Saints, Lead Me Home, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Count Your Many Blessings.