Hope for the Animals

Humane Halloween with Marla Rose

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Welcome to our spooky and fun episode where Hope explores the connection between Halloween, horror movies, and veganism. Then we have Marla Rose joining us. Marla and her husband, John Beske, own Vegan Street Media,  a full-service marketing, design, and communications company for vegan businesses and nonprofits. Marla also co-founded Chicago VeganMania, a popular festival that ran for ten years, and the author of several books including Fun, Festive and Fabulous: Vegan Holidays for Everyone and Humane Halloween: 22 Quirky, Fun and Bewitching Vegan Recipes for the Spirit of the Season. 

Hope and Marla talk about being vegan around the holidays, explore why it seems that so many vegans love Halloween, and overcoming the feeling of isolation during the holidays and the joy of finding like-minded community to celebrate with! 


Vegan Street 

Vegan Street Media

Humane Halloween: 22 Quirky, Fun and Bewitching Vegan Recipes for the Spirit of the Season

Humane Halloween FaceBook Page

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Hope for the Animals Podcast


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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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