Hope for the Animals

Humanewashing in the UK with Rose Patterson

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The humane hoax is alive and well all over the globe and today we are leaning how it is used in the UK. Rose Patterson is the Co-Director and Actions Coordinator for Animal Rising. After getting a masters in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics, and Law and working for World Animal Protection she joined Animal Rising in 2020. She has worked on the strategy for multiple campaigns, designed and coordinated dozens of actions and led large complex projects mobilizing hundreds of people, including the disruption of the Grand National horse race which garnered a great deal of press and most recently the largest investigation into animal farming in UK history targeting RSPCA Assured farms.

Rose shares Animal Rising’s work exposing humanewashing by the RSPCA and how as Rose says, the RSPCA is failing farmed animals. She also tells the story of Animal Rising’s infamous disruption of the Grand National Horse Race in Great Britain that got huge media coverage. Hope and Rose also talk about strategy and the importance of the grassroots in animal advocacy. 


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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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