Is it possible to have a 90% win rate as a retail trader?
Meet David Capablanca, a living testament to ‘hard work pays off’ in the world of trading. This trader was an architecture student at the University of Florida when he discovered trading.
His mentality was very different from that of most people who got into trading. Instead of dreaming about becoming the next wolf of wall street, this trader was highly critical about a trading strategy and he wanted to fully dissect it to make sure that it can actually work.
David sees himself as a music composer who puts pieces of fundamental and technical information together to make the right decision. He emphasises the time spent on analysis and trade planning more than the time put into executing a trade. His 90% win rate, verified by Business Insider, reflects his high level of attention to detail in trading.
Today, David is here to share:
- Intro to David (Friendly Bear Short Research)
- Full trading research process using advanced fundamental analysis techniques
- How to avoid trading the wrong stocks and black swans
- Most Memorable Trade
- How he got a 90% win rate verified by Business Insider
- Working with hedge funds to research fraudulent companies and paid pump-n-dumps
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