Is it organisations that get disrupted or is it people who get disrupted?
Who’s responsibility is it to lead the way to impactful change?
Why do leaders need to see themselves as designers?
How do you let go of legacy thinking in order to reach new heights?
These are all questions that were discussed during a special online event called Redesigning the Organisations of Tomorrow that Neu21 recently hosted featuring bestselling author Barry O’Reilly as our special guest. Barry is the author of two well-known business books – The Lean Enterprise and ‘Unlearn – Let Go of Past Success to Achieve Extraordinary results’ and his take on organizational design is very focused on changing the way individuals think and act- as Afterall, organisations don’t create change, people do. His stories about unlearning, relearning, and breaking through in organisations like Capital One, NASA, Wells Fargo, and the International Airlines Group had us all transfixed to our screens. We’re thrilled to bring it to you in podcast form.
Joining Barry on the virtual couch was podcast co-host Sian Jones and Eduardo Nofuentes who you will have heard talk about organizational design in a previous podcast.
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