Do you feel a bit off the mainstream? A bit different? Do you feel like there’s something wrong with you?
But hey, “pink sheeps” are usually very talented, extraordinary people. They are actually the shining pioneers of a new paradigm. And seeing my first Feminine Future Leader graduates emerging as they are-- unfolding more of their true selves, opening hearts, shining and catapulting as new butterflies was really touching, moving and inspiring.
Take a peek at the Feminine Leadership program with this podcast and see if you’re one of them! Discover transformation and a community helping people live in their full potential.
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Join the movement to create a bright future: The Future is Feminine
Book Page: The Future is Feminine
Linkedin: Kirsten Stendevad Training
#illuminaryleadership, #fromcrisistoquantumleap, #thefutureisfeminineforall, #21stCenturyleadership, #thecollaborativesoecity, #createabrightfuture, #leadership4pointzero
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#illuminaryleadership #fromcrisistoquantumleap #thefutureisfeminineforall #21stCenturyleadership #thecollaborativesoecity #createabrightfuture #leadership4pointzero