With efforts to implant chips, sensors, and "upgrade" our bodies, to where we can be tracked, read, and even our thoughts can be watched, what is the plan for humanity from scientists, governing bodies, and governments, and even the UN, over the next 5 years? It's called Transhumanism, and according to Expert Gregg Braden, there's a war on for your soul--which we dive into in this fascinating, humanity shifting interview.
Find more from Gregg Braden: https://greggbraden.com/
Pure Human: The Hidden Truth of Our Divinity, Power, and Destiny: https://greggbraden.com/product/pure-human/
To find out more visit:
- https://amzn.to/3qULECz - Order Michael Sandler's book, "AWE, the Automatic Writing Experience"
- www.automaticwriting.com - Automatic Writing Experience Course
- www.inspirenationuniversity.com - Michael Sandler's School of Mystics
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