Pope Francis Generation

Jessica Keating - St. Maximilian Kolbe and Christ’s Harrowing of Hell

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This week, to celebrate the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe, Paul talks with Jessica Keating about the life and witness of this martyr of Auschwitz. They first share his story and their own personal relationships with St. Maximilian. Then they unpack some of Fr. Kolbe’s theology of Mary before moving into a discussion about how we can say, in a real but mysterious way, that Fr. Kolbe’s time in Auschwitz was like Christ’s harrowing of hell. 

Jessica Keating is the director of the Notre Dame Office of Human Dignity and Life Initiatives, where she engages in scholarship that strives to recover the concept of human dignity for the theological and philosophical imagination.


St. Maximilian Kolbe and the War Against Indifference https://churchlifejournal.nd.edu/articles/st-maximilian-kolbe-and-the-war-against-indifference/

ABOUT POPE FRANCIS GENERATION Pope Francis Generation is the show for Catholics struggling with the Church’s teaching, who feel like they might not belong in the Church anymore, and who still hunger for a God of love and goodness. Hosted by Paul Fahey, a professional catechist, and Dominic de Souza, someone who needs catechesis. Together, we’re taking our own look at the Catholic Church– her teachings and practices- from 3 views that changed our world: the Kerygma, the doctrine of theosis, and the teachings of Pope Francis. Together, with you, we’re the Pope Francis Generation.

SUPPORT THIS SHOW: This show is brought to you by Pope Francis Generation, a project to explore Catholicism inspired by Pope Francis. Founded by Paul Fahey, you can follow the newsletter, join the group, and become a supporting member. Your donations allow us to create the resource you’re enjoying now as well as much more. Paid subscribers get to watch each episode before everyone else and receive subscriber only posts. Check out: popefrancisgeneration.com

ABOUT PAUL FAHEY Paul lives in Michigan with my wife, Kristina, and five kids. He's a catechist, retreat leader, counseling student, as well as a contributor and co-founder of Where Peter Is.

ABOUT DOMINIC DE SOUZA SmartCatholics founder, Dominic de Souza, is a convert from radical traditionalism – inspired by WherePeterIs, Bishop Robert Barron, and Pope Francis. He is passionate about helping ordinary Catholics break the ‘bystander effect’, and be first responders. “We don’t have to be geniuses. We just have to show up with witness and kindness. Christ does the rest.” Today he hosts the SmartCatholics community. smartcatholics.com

JOIN FATHERS HEART ACADEMY Discover the truth and hope of Church teachings through a study of magisterial documents, access to Paul Fahey’s podcasts and articles, and a supportive community of learners. Join here: http://www.fathersheartacademy.com

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