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August 26, 2021
The Journey to Joy and Purpose Podcast
Episode 8: The Top 5 Excuses Keeping You Stuck in a Scarcity Mindset
In today's episode, we explore the top five excuses that are keeping you stuck in a scarcity mindset. While we have all struggled with these thoughts at one time or another, being aware of our mindset can significantly improve our wellbeing.
- Introduction
- Excuse 1: I don’t know where to start. (2:53)
- Excuse 2: It's too difficult to change. (5:37)
- Excuse 3: I have no support. (8:47)
- Excuse 4: I have no time. (11:52)
- Excuse 5: What's the point? (14:08)
Excuses Be Gone, by Dr. Wayne Dyer
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