Whether you're a casual or career musician, or a live or recorded music consumer, you'll find this episode enlightening. Music is an industry, and being a professional musician is a trade. And, whether writing, recording or performing, musicians have rights and needs, just like other workers. Often navigating the industry on their own, many musicians experience mistreatment, poor pay and exploitation. On this episode, we're joined by Liana White of the Canadian Federation of Musicians, and Kingston musician Aruna Handa, a member of Local 518 of the Union of Professional Musicians. Together, they dispel union misperceptions; illustrate how membership keeps music fun, safe and rewarding for musicians; and answer questions, like what kind of musicians should join a union (and when)? They also detail how the Canadian Federation of Musicians and its American counterpart work together to help member musicians become better businesspeople, and help them travel across international borders for work.
Rob Howard [email protected]
Liana White, Canadian Federation of Musicians
Aruna Handa, Union Of Professional Musicians AFM Local 518
Canadian Federation of Musicians https://cfmusicians.afm.org
American Federation of Musicians https://www.afm.org
Union Of Professional Musicians AFM Local 518 https://upmlocal518.org
Aruna & The Sirens https://kingstonlive.ca/arunathesirens
SOCAN http://socan.com
Recording Industry Association of America https://www.riaa.com
American Association of Independent Musicians (A2IM) https://a2im.org
Canadian Independent Musicians Association (CIMA) Canadian Independent Musicians Alliance http://cimamusic.ca
Folk Alliance International https://www.folk.org
Folk Music Canada https://www.folkmusiccanada.org
Kingston concerts and music festivals https://kingstonlive.ca/
Audio production by Soundwise https://kingstonlive.ca/resource/1191590/view
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