覺得在學校工作say "no"很為難? 每天工作忙碌、疲於奔命卻驚覺自己“一事無成”? 最重要——你有還未實現的教育理想嗎?
在這個系列裡,我會從經典好書-- 《與成功有約》(7 Habits of Highly Effective People) 中抽取3個最富啓發性的好習慣, 用生動的個人經驗和簡單的言語拆解如何更有效計畫時間, 實現你的職場目標和人生夢想。
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Is saying "no" difficult? Do you feel frustrated or even angry when piles of to-do's eat up your time, leaving you with the regret of unachieved dreams?
In this series, I'm sharing with you powerful strategies from the classic personal development book-- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. Hope you are encouraged and empowered to be the most effective educator you're destined to be.
- 4 Quadrants by "Important VS Unimportant" and "Urgent VS Not Urgent"
Q1- Necessity: e.g. prepare for book check, design exam papers
Q2- Effectiveness: e.g. mid/long-term planning, read books or take professional development courses
Q3- Distraction: e.g. add more pictures to the ppt, keep refreshing work emails
Q4- Waste: e.g. endless scrolling social media after a long day, binge-watching YouTube or Netflix during the weekend
*Keep focusing on Q2, then Q1 will reduce. Also remove the unimportant (Q3&4)
*How to decide what is "important"? Have your "End Picture"! (Listen to the previous episode on this topic (https://www.tszyanlee.com/blog/teacherseffectivehabits2))
*Put in the "BIG IMPORTANT TASK", then from important to less import (gradually cut out more and more "Q3&4)
- Helpful for deciding when to say "no":
*Check with your week plan
*Advance level: actively reject ("Sorry, I know I've been assigned to do this (ongoing Q3/4 tasks). But with my current work/capacity/commitment, I could no longer do this."