If you’re part of an executive team, where does your loyalty lie within your company or organisation?
Do you think of yourself as head of your department first? Or as an executive team member?
In this episode I talk about how when leaders think of themselves FIRST AND FOREMOST as senior leadership team members, everything shifts and the whole team becomes more productive and impactful.
Because you’re not there to defend the needs of your department.
(Or to pump up your own ego!)
As executive team members, you’re all jointly responsible for the whole of your organisation. You’re all in it together.
And when you take joint responsibility, you take away blame – and start to build deep seated trust.
Sound simple? Well, it’s not quite as easy as it sounds.
So what is required for this to work?
Listen now.
[3:04] “What's the one shift that all executives, all members of a senior leadership team need to make? Well, they need to think of themselves first and foremost as executive team members, as senior leadership team members. Instead of first and foremost, CFO, first and foremost, Marketing Director, group HRG, HR director.”
[4:15] “How good a team member are you? Or are you mostly out to secure the agenda of the marketing team? Or even worse, you could just be there for your own glory, your own personal ego.”
[05:18] “Together, we are all responsible for the whole of this organisation.”
[6:52] “It is so different when we could feel like we're in it all together. And we're all jointly responsible.”
[7:31] “We have to find ways to respect each other, to see each others' credibility, to build deep-seated trust, which means you feel like you can trust them, they have your back, and you have theirs. We have to find that kind of deep trust that is genuine.”
If you’d like to explore these questions – and more – in more depth, come over to https://noominatan.com/leadershiphour and join us for the monthly Leadership Hour session, designed to increase your productivity and impact 10-fold by dedicating just 1 hour a month to quality thinking. It’s easy and powerful. Sign up here.
And remember, now is a good time to breathe.
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