Your Who Am I stories allow people to connect with you not only as a leader, but also as a person. They express your authenticity and vulnerability. They establish trust and express your values, your vision, your convictions. These stories can accelerate months, maybe years, of time getting to know others by illuminating thin slices of your character, your non-negotiables, your expectations, your principles in very real and human ways. People need to decide about you for themselves — not through accolades from your bio or impressive results listed on your CV, but with a story. These stories can marginalize hearsay and rumors, dispel facades and falsehoods, and bring the real you, in your words, from the depths of your reality. You need to win the hearts of your teammates; you need to gain their trust. This story says you are human, that you are relatable, that you are part of “us.”
Your people may not understand where you are going, but they have to believe in you. They may not understand the changes you are recommending, but they need to trust you. People may make false impressions, snap judgements, stereotypes, wrong assumptions until they walk a while in your shoes. Let your stories reveal the real you, the vulnerable you, the person behind the title.