George Cardinal Pell was a faithful, formidable, and fearless prince of the Church who lived a remarkable life… as a seminarian in Rome during Vatican II, as a reformer of Australia’s seminaries, in his years in China (in disguise!), at the Secretariat of the Economy (where he uncovered 1billion euros off the books), and the years spent wrongfully imprisoned before his acquittal and vindication…
Tess Livingstone has written a wonderful biography of the rugged and resilient Australian, and she joins Bishop Caggiano to talk about Cardinal Pell (who Bishop also knew!)…
I really enjoyed listening to this conversation and learning about His Eminence, who passed away just over two years ago.
Also, please allow us to highlight two important (and fun) events coming soon to our area: 1) Mark Schultz concert at Fairfield University on Fri, March 14th to benefit Malta House and 2) March for Life in Hartford on Wed, March 19th
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Tess's Book:
Malta House Event:
CT March: