Ciao ragazzi! Bentornati nel mio podcast! Nella puntata di oggi, vi darò dei semplici consigli su come memorizzare nuove parole in italiano. Ampliare il vostro lessico vi aiuterà a comunicare con le persone. Tutti i consigli che sentirete nel corso dell’episodio, ve li riporterò nella descrizione. Dateci un’occhiata!
Hi guys! Welcome back to my podcast! In today’s episode, I’ll give you some simple tips on how to memorize new words in Italian. Expanding your vocabulary will help you communicate with people. All the advice you'll hear during this episode are in the description, take a look! Have a good time listening.
If you want to widen your vocabulary, it’s important to have a good strategy. Try to focus on some specific topics. For example: are you studying Italian for work-related reasons? In that case, focus on the words that you think that might help you in your job. Are you studying Italian for fun? Then, start studying those words that are related to your hobbies!
Once you found your goal, focus your attention on it and try to find all the materials that are related to the topics you chose: magazines, articles, YouTube channels, tv series, films etc. Another great method to widen your vocabulary is to exploit social networks. Follow some Instagram and Facebook profiles that might be interesting for you.
While you read or listen to something, write the words you don’t know on a piece of paper or on the notes of your phone. As soon as you have time or come back home, check their meaning on the dictionary and create some flashcards with the word to learn and its meaning or equivalent in your language. There are many app that let you do this, but if you’re a creative persone you can do it on your own!
Another great method is to create sentences with the words you’re learning. When you have to learn a words, try to create simple sentences with it. Try to think to sentences you might really need during a conversation! You could write them down and re-read them. You could record yourself while reading these sentences and listen to this recording again and again.
When you have to learn new words, try to play with them! Open them, analyze them, chop them, dismember them! Try to think to possible associations and links that might help you remember them more easily!
Don’t learn too many words in one single day! Try to make a plan to learn few words, but on a frequent basis. Maybe from 5 to 20 words a day: without stress, calmly! Try to spend a little time every day rather than doing hard challenges in one day!
Be curious! While you’re going out, while you’re working, while you’re taking your shower, look around and ask yourself: how is this called in the language I am studying? If you don’t know, check it! If you now, review it! That’s a great way to widen your everyday vocabulary!
All the vocabulary you learn must be used! Otherwise, you’ll lose it after a few days! You can travel or move for a while to the country you’re learning the language of! This is without definitely the best way to be in touch with the real language people speak every day! But if you can’t, there are other means, such as apps that let you speak with foreign people and make linguistic exchanges!
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