If you’re like so many coaches, you approach marketing and selling as necessary evils when it comes to running a coaching business.
Just a thought but… What if you’re totally wrong?
I know I was!
I used to think of marketing and selling as the equivalent of medieval tickle torture (which is actually quite excruciating – it involves having a goat lick salt from the bottom of one’s feet and it seems goats can do this for hours on end.)
Anyway, truth is, if you want a fool-proof marketing plan, do this: look in the mirror until you like what you feel.
Marketing is all energy and emotion and connection.
Do you feel amazing when you talk about your coaching services to someone, or does the thought make you uncomfortable? If it does, that’s what you need to focus on… nothing else.
Forget your website, forget your newsletter, forget it all.
And if you’re experiencing even an inkling of self doubt, then that’s going to hurt your business.
Self doubt is inevitable when you’re building your own business but eventually you have to step into your role as a visionary – that’s how we become PROSPEROUS CEOs.
Seriously. There’s no way around it. The only thing you have to do when it comes to self doubt is DECIDE: Are you going to figure out how to get over that hurdle or are you going to stop right there, sit down, and say, “I’ll never figure this out.”
Once she realized those were her only options – stop in front of the hurdle named “Self Doubt” or jump over it – Naomi Estment decided she was not going to be derailed.
Naomi recognized the AFGO that self doubt presented. An AFGO is Another Freakin’ Growth Opportunity and like I always say, starting your own business is an AFGO of epic proportions.
Naomi is an amazing photographer whose specialty is getting her clients to feel comfortable on camera. But she was struggling to sell her signature program.
Like so many other coaches, Naomi was very uncomfortable when it came to actually getting paid, a.k.a., asking for money.
Then Naomi decided to take my $100k DNA Mastermind for a spin and suddenly found herself inundated with consults. That’s when she was forced to make another decision:
SELL or go broke.
Listen to Naomi’s story in the audio player, above, or in Apple Podcasts.
Naomi’s website and programs: NaomiEstment.com
If you’re like so many coaches, you approach marketing and selling as necessary evils when it comes to running a coaching business.
Just a thought but… What if you’re totally wrong?
I know I was!
I used to think of marketing and selling as the equivalent of medieval tickle torture (which is actually quite excruciating – it involves having a goat lick salt from the bottom of one’s feet and it seems goats can do this for hours on end.)
Anyway, truth is, if you want a fool-proof marketing plan, do this: look in the mirror until you like what you feel.
Marketing is all energy and emotion and connection.