In this episode, I talk about how often we are afraid to take a risk and do something different, or pursue what we really want in life. What if we fail or disappoint others? I share 3 tips to develop your ability to take more risks, and offer a fun/growth challenge at the end to try this week! Wonderful gifts come when we move beyond our comfort zone and take risks!
Some risks I've taken in the past 5 years:
Started an email letter and this podcast!:)
Took a 2 month sabbatical from work and closed my business temporarily, hoping I would be able to restart it upon my return.
Decided to let go of my financial advisors, for many reasons, and after some necessary financial investment self-education took over my own investing. A great decision!
Set a very difficult boundary with a friendship of 30 years, which led to a major and necessary shift in the friendship.
Start small, what is one risk you can take this week. Join my community, & sign up for my weekly email letter at: