Hi, welcome to Love Stories Podcasts, listen to romantic short stories, true love stories from real life, heartfelt first love experience and tragic end of sad story loves. This is Sylvia, your podcaster.
"A few years ago, my then-boyfriend and I were headed toward a break up. The morning I finally broke up with him once and for all, my roommate immediately texted our closest eight best friends (without me knowing) to come over. Within an hour, my friends brought snacks, wine, tissues, and a lot of hugs. Every time I started to cry, someone put a tissue to my face and a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. The gathering lasted so long that someone went out and bought a buffet of comfort food — mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, fried chicken — to keep us going. At some point that night, we were all eating a cake in my bedroom, laughing, and we fell asleep on the floor. I woke up the next morning, saw everyone asleep on the floor, and realized how truly loved I was by my friends, and how much I love each and every one of them. "