On the podcast today I am joined by Cath Brands, CMO and Innovation Officer at Flintfox and we are going to talk about the importance of pricing and pricing platforms. Some of the questions we discussed include the following:
How do pricing platforms help companies and why are platforms so important?
What types of companies or industries benefit most from pricing platforms?
How do you measure the success of your pricing platforms?
How do you ensure the security of sensitive pricing data?
How challenging is pricing using multiple channels
What are the benefits of rebate programs and what are some of the key challenges
How does margin management fit into pricing and rebate discussions?
How do you maximize margins during sales seasons?If you want to connect see the links below:
Cath on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cath-brands-257ab01b/
Flintfox Website: https://www.flintfox.com/
Flintfox Vlog: https://www.flintfox.com/video-content-hub/