Hope for the Animals

Media, Animals, and Compassionate Journalism with Nina Jackel

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News media that is sympathetic to animals is critical in creating a compassionate world. A 2023 von Liebig Award Winner, Nina Jackel is a journalist and activist known for effecting change for animals around the world through her non-profit media organization that she founded called Lady Freethinker. Nina leads numerous divisions at the organization that expose cruel and illegal activities through undercover operations and galvanizing ordinary citizens to make a difference. 

Hope and Nina discuss the importance of news media for animals and Nina offers advice about what makes good media that has the potential to reach wider audiences. She also talks about Lady Freethinker’s important campaign targeting social media posts that abuse animals, such as fake “rescue” videos where abusers put animals in distressful situations just for clicks. They also discuss how to reach people who care about animals, but haven’t made the connection to compassion for farmed animals and veganism. 


Lady Freethinker: 





William von Leibig Foundation Award Winner

Humane Hoax Online Conference details and free registration


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Compassionate Living 

Hope for the Animals Podcast

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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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