This week’s MindEspresso is about how to break conflict loops from the book Optimal Outcomes by Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler. She points out that conflict styles together with shadow values often get us stuck in loops.
She advocates 1. Creating awareness around our conflict by understanding our conflict styles 2. Zooming out by mapping to break the cycle and getting clear on the underlying values (ideal and shadow) behind the conflict 3. Choosing ideal future states and focusing on optimal outcomes.
I primarily work with corporate executives, but I also have a passion for personal leadership. I’ve started these Personal Leadership MindEspressos from people I’ve interviewed. Here is our podcast:
You can follow these MindEspressos on ITunes here:
You can learn more about Jennifer here:
And you can learn more about me here:
#values #needs #culture #personalleadership #selfgrowth #conflictresolution #emotionalresilience #leadership