It was great to have Gary on the podcast! Below is his biography:
Hi. I'm Gary Chupik. I'm a professional mental performance coach, leadership coach, sports nut, strategist, writer, and speaker. But most of all, I'm curious. About everything. I'm also the guy behind Elite Mindset. It's been a life-long ambition to help high-performers get better and be better. That's why I started this company.
It starts with me. I'm my own experiment. I don't suggest people try stuff unless I've done it myself to vet it. It means I've made a lot of mistakes. If I'm not failing, I'm not trying hard enough.
I've always been fascinated with progress and efficiency. Why do things the hard way when there's a better way? I have an insatiable desire to learn and be better than I was yesterday. I'm sure I drive my wife nuts sometimes (well, a lot of the time). My insatiable appetite for learning has inspired me to share what I've learned with motivated people...people like you. Because I search for and see both the simplicity and complexity of how we've been designed as humans, there's a certain level of awe that inspires me to find out more about how we've been made and what it means for us to be fully alive.
My pride and joy are my immediate and extended family. I live in a suburb of Seattle, WA called Bothell. It's a great place to live. I love to smoke meat, watch and play sports, work out, and see the people I work with flourish.
Since I'm infatuated with learning, I'll go to a lot of different places to learn. I'll learn from performance psychology, the wisdom of philosophers and the best minds in neuroscience and performance psychology. I'll learn from the giants in sports and other disciplines who are the best of the best. And then there's everyday opportunities to learn something new. I'll pass it all on to you so you don't have to waste your time trying to find all the best stuff. I'll simply provide it for you saving you time and money.
Here is the link to his website:
Thank you for listening!