Hey everyone. Welcome to another episode of MLM hackers radio. This is Aaron Cournoyer and I have a special episode for you. Um, in today's episode we're going to talk about how to outspend your competitors and how you can literally outspend entirely entire MLMs. A doing this one trick that I learned.
If you're like me, then you know, MLM is a great opportunity to grow a lasting asset. But the real problem is, what do we do when we run out of our warm market and how do we succeed without pitching to just family and friends. This podcast is here to answer the growing questions about MLM as I learned, apply and scale my very own MLM business and document how to in this podcast. I'm Aaron Cournoyer and this is MLM hackers radio.
Cool. All right, so today's episode, we are talking about outspending our competitors and how to outspend entire MLMs. And there's a super cool way that I learned how to do that. And, but you don't, when it comes down to it, when it comes down to with and with MLM space, you've got to really understand that MLM is literally the same exact as affiliate marketing. It's the same exact principle because you don't control the cart. You don't control the checkout process, you don't control none of that. Um, so when it comes down to it, that's why a lot of these internet marketers and these, you know, there's people that, uh, they come into MLM and you don't even know who they are. Um, and they explode and they know they, they kill it. Um, you know, there was, there's a guy in my last MLM that I was part of and I remember being at the, the, um, one of the conventions like that, the national events or whatever you want to say.
Um, and this guy, literally, you hit RMD in three months and everybody's like, how in the heck did he do that? And I thought it was just amazing. And that's where really kind of put me on this journey and to try to figure out a different way with MLM, especially the Internet. And then I started learning some things. And long behold, you know, this guy has got a podcast and he's got this and he does a lot of lead generation things that we all we talk about in this podcast about how you can actually, um, acquire customers and, and gain leads, uh, by publishing and having funnels and things like that. Now, um, when it comes down to how to outspend your competitor, um, cause you gotta remember, you know, you, if you in, in the Internet marketing world, there's a principle if you can spend the most who, who can spend the most, so acquire customers gonna win.
And there's also a way to do it without actually spending money out of your pocket. And there's, there's two ways. There's, there's using, um, money, VC funding, which I'm totally against. I don't, I don't like that. Um, but actually like spending money out of your own pocket. Um, and then there's also self liquidating offer. So self liquidating offers. What we're going to really talk about today and a self liquidating offer is something that allows you to recoup your ad spend. You don't take anything for profit, um, from your ads and, and, uh, your, you know, marketing, um, you basically itself will go dates. What's your, what's your ad cost is, and there's a few ways I'm going to talk about doing that. Um, and uh, so let's get into it. Let's break it down. So to create a self liquidating offer, um, you're going to have like, like what we just talked about, you don't control the checkout, right?
You don't control the cart. So your cart, um, has whatever. There's the price in this, what you get. So your self liquidating offer, and this is a way, obviously I talked about without actually getting in trouble with your MLM, is how do you talk about MLM or how do you talk, um, how do you bring people into your world basically? And using a self looking offer is something like creating, um, see you, when you, when you, when somebody signs up for MLM, when somebody signs up for your network marketing company, whatever you wanna call it, you know, the basic mean, the same thing. But when somebody signs up, you give them a solution, but you also give them a problem with something. And when you give them a problem, you gotta really think, okay. So most of the people when they get into MLM, they have a couple issues.
One is now, you know, some people will talk to friends and family and that's totally fine. I'm not against that. As long as you know, as you're finding people that people that you want to talk to actually want it, not that they need it, you know, don't worry about, you know, some about who needs this. It's about who wants it. And you're gonna you'll find that out because in your, in your team you're going to have lot more success and a lot more, um, you know, a lot more. Yeah. Success in general. Like, you know, there's, you're going to have a lot more people actually doing something than people that want it. Just want to sign up because you know, the, Oh, you think they need it. Um, you'll just have a lot of people that actually do a lot more. So that's very important. Um, but when it comes down to it, let's talk about it. Um, MLM, now, there is a problem and a solution that you gave him. Okay? You gave him a solution by, you know, okay, here's a vehicle that you can actually, you know, live out your dreams. You can do this. But then the problems to come in, okay, well maybe they don't want to talk to friends and family well then how do I find leads?
Okay? So that's the first one. How to find leads. Um, I'm writing, I'm writing this down here on my whiteboard, so if I've kind of like legging and a little bit, that's probably why. Uh, but okay, so how to find leads. That's a problem. Second is, well, um, I'm, I'm not techie. How, how do I build a recruiting funnel? How to build funnels. Okay, sir. Is, um, what about product funnel? You know, how, how do you build a product funnel? Okay? So you got that. And then fourth can be, um, let's think about, um, how to, how, what do I do when I actually get somebody to sign up? What, how, how do I duplicate this? Cause it's all about duplication, right? And remember we talked about in the other podcast that you want to do duplicatable time. So excuse me, how do I duplicate this?
So those are three, there's a, those are four problems right there. And even before that problem, you got this, you got another problem. How do I use the Internet? How to use the Internet for your MLM without blasting on Facebook and all that stuff like that. Hmm. That's a huge thing. That's like, it was this podcast about. So that's why I encourage you to kind of publish and do some kind of publishing. And now when it comes down to self liquidating offer, think about this. Your problem is how do you use, how do you use the Internet for MLM? Okay? So let's put together, um, a three day course, five day course, whatever, um, of how to actually use the Internet for your MLM. And we talk about what we're going to talk about prospecting, right? Prospecting, the difference between pulling people to you and pushing, right? All right. And let's say day two, we're going to talk about, um, we're gonna talk about sales funnels, right? Sales funnels and automation.
Okay? So sales funnels and automation. So now we have some kind of a just, okay, well this is how we start to understand this, how we can actually use the internet. And then maybe in day three we talk about, um, how to, like we're talking about in this podcast, how to outspend your customers. Um, and out spend entire MLMs as your customers, but your, your, um, your, you know, everybody else, you're your competition. Okay? So how do you outspend your competition? So we'll talk about outspending competition and self-liquidating offers, right? I'll spend competition and SLO's. K, so that's three right there. And then talk about maybe on day four, we talk about how to duplicate it. How would you duplicate it? And basically when you're gonna talk about how to duplicate it, yes, we're trying to do, you're going to talk about the same thing you're doing right here.
This whole system we just put together is a duplicatable system. It's something that someone else can actually do. The same exact thing. So you like you to understand is there's so much information out there ready? So why reinvent the wheel? Just go and find stuff. Like take the stuff that I do, take the stuff that you're upline does and, and just just make it your own. You don't make it, you don't want to make it better. You just want to make it unique. All right. I'm not about competition with that. It's more like just making it unique. Use these same principles and actually like build yourself a circle itself. Living an offer. You can do a CD, like you can literally go and try to interview a bunch of people that are in MLM, whether they're doing it a certain way on the internet or they're doing it a different way, but their tactics and what they've been able to learn in and just interview them and they're there on Skype for 15 minutes or 10 minutes, five minute video put together in a course using click funnels.
By the way, um, you know, you use click funnels and you put together a whole membership membership site and then what you're able to do, you able to sell that or, or you can give them for free whatever you want to do, you know, but at least what you're doing is the biggest thing which you want to understand is you are gaining a list, On the Internet, the list is probably the most it is, is the most important thing because at the end of the day, that's the only thing you have. If a Facebook Zuckerberg or once you shut down Facebook and say no more ads, um, or changed our algorithm, whatever it is, Google, you know, the Google slap, whatever it is, the list of the biggest thing. And that's, that's the one thing that you want to keep going after your list is what your list is, your leads.
Okay? So just think about that. You can build something so simple and so small and you don't have to sell it for, you know, Ashmont you know, a $1,000 or something. You can sell it for something so small. $5, $6, $14, $37, whatever it is. Um, you can definitely sell that and recoup called self liquidating offer, recoup your ad costs, right? Then you don't take this money as profit, you put it right back in the ads and you are able to grow it a little bit faster every single time. You know, if you, you're gonna have to crunch your numbers by the way, but you know, if you look in and go, okay, so we're putting in a, it's costing us $2.50 cents to gain a customer a, but yet we're with our, with our, um, say with our self, looking at your offer, we're getting for $4.33 cents.
So you're making profit right there. That's a winnable funnel. And You keep going. And that's how you recoup your ad costs. And you put, you don't spend anything. You don't take the two 50 bucks back out and put it in. Then you take the $4.33 and put it right back in the ads. And then when you do that, when you do that, guys, you're able to outspend MLMs. Like, it's nothing, and you got to understand is the reason why these people aren't doing it is because a lot of them don't understand that. I see a lot of um, network markers. Uh, you know, some big network marketers, they have a lead Gen, right? Like I told you, a lot of them, you know, as soon as some of them have done a it with friends and family, you know, and they, they've, you know, a small percentage of them have really built a huge team on friends and family.
But at the end of the day, what happens, you run of people who talk to, so what, what do you have to do from there? You have to create some kind of magnet lead magnet and that's what giving a, a course three, three system course or like we talked about the five video course. All these are lead magnets and, and in ways that you can actually in the front, maybe you can sell it or you can give a free, which I actually recommend in the beginning that, you know, give something for free. Um, whatever. I have them opt in, opt in for a free video, a free free, um, ebook, report, whatever it is. And then what are you going to do? Oh, since they like this and your thank you page, you're going to go, oh, hey, um, by the way, I have this free course, this course right here.
It costs you, you know, $8, $14.95 to get it. I'm just going to teach you this, this, and this and that. And this is the value you're gonna get out of it. Do you want this or no thanks. Cool. If they say no thanks cool, you finish, you finish it out and then into your pdf that you have at the end, what are you going to do and do it again. You're going to promote the same thing again. Hey, I have this, this, this and that. Um, through email. File up the same thing and you know, I'm telling you at some point, you know, the people that are really interested, which are the ones that are gonna actually have buy and when they buy yourself looking at an offer, guess what? You put those in a different category and guess what happens? They are your dream customer, your dream customer.
And guess what's going to happen? They are the ones that you are going to give them. You can say, Hey, you know what? I got a bunch of stuff going on here. Why don't you apply to join my downline? You know, you're going to send them through your application. You're going to, those are the ones you're going to try to recruit into your MLM because they get it. They see it, they understand it. And uh, that's the best way to outspend all your customers, all your, uh, your, your competition. You know, you can outspend entire MLMs by doing this because they have no clue how this works. Why? Because they're not from the Internet. You know, they, they do the normal way. Friends and family, like I said, I saw, I see people, like I said, I see network markers all the time. They have some kind of lead Gen, but guess what they're doing?
They're still teaching the old fricking way. The own junk tactics, you know? Oh yeah. Oh look, we're going to do is we're going to say the three things to get anyone to join your downline no matter what. That's a bunch of junk. No Way, no way. You know, actually that's why you give real value and say, hey, guess what? There's a different way. There's something way better. Um, and I'm telling you guys it will change. It would change your business in once you get that in and publish like a maniac, whatever it is. I would definitely do that. I would publish a lot and I've been actually really thinking about taking this and I'm creating a, I have a youtube channel, but I'm going to actually start publishing on that youtube channel a lot more and then with this podcast, so it's more visual to uh, actually draw it on my whiteboard and stuff like that where I can kind of show you guys, but then you guys can see my face and, and uh, we can interact a little bit more than comment and stuff like that and talk back and forth.
Um, I got a lot of stuff coming. Uh, Facebook group. There's a lot of things I'm, uh, starting to put a, put it in, you know, put into, um, into a system here, uh, because I think it's important for all of us to be around and in all of us to learn off and feed off each other. So that's definitely what I'm, what I'm getting into and that's why it's been a little bit since I've published, but I, I definitely apologize for that. But, uh, um, at the end of the day it'll be all worth it and I'll be able to give you guys a lot more value. Uh, so, but go, go install this principle and try it, you know, literally go out there and make something, something complementary to your MLM or, um, to MLM in general and actually create some kind of self love, great offer and sell that, sell them your back in front end, give them something free, give them a little snippet of it, you know, give him a little free couple of videos.
You know, you don't have to go create this elaborate course. And this huge, huge course where it's like, oh my God, you know, it took you eight months to do. You don't have to do something so simple. You get, you can literally use your iPhone, use your phone. You don't need, I mean, if you have, um, camera equipment or video equipment, whatever, cool, you know, that's even better. You got advantage. But if you don't need it, just literally do it on your iPhone. Get a little stand for, you know, 10 bucks, 15 bucks at, on Amazon in, and record, in front of it, and just talk and literally tell them and because of what you found, you know, look, look up things and fine, take the things that I talk about and make it your own. Make it your own. You'll take the ideas and make it your own and put your own little spin out and be unique. Um, and guys, I'm telling you that people are going gonna come to you and flack to you. Um, just stick with it. It'll happen. Uh, but all right, cool. Uh, that's all I got in this, in this episode. Thanks for tuning in guys. And I will see you guys in the next episode. Have a good week.
Yeah, that was awesome. Now, if you've been listening to this podcast and you've heard me talk about sales funnels and how I use them for everything, so if you want to know more and actually create them for yourself, simply go to [inaudible] free trial.com and get access to a free trial to the best sales from building software on the planet. Thanks for listening.