Hello and welcome to Mo Wine - wine, mishaps, and more. I am your host Chandra Savage. This week we have a sweet treat. We are going to be tasting Carroll's Mead from Brotherhood Winery.
The Brotherhood winery was established in 1839 it is America's oldest winery on record. And what I love about the Brotherhood Winery, if you ever get a chance to visit, is so rustic, full of old-world charm, and it's one of my favorite places to visit and they have the best hot wings in life period but, I'm not here to talk about the that.
I'm here to talk about Mead. The history of Mead is very interesting. The monks used to use we make Mead just to have some income coming in. They used to make the sacramental wines and they used to make Mead as well. So Meed is a honey wine made from grape juice and honey.
It is fermented to make this delicious, sweet decadence, like dessert-style wine. This is not a wine that you put in a full wine glass. You should have a small sip. Maybe put it in a little teeny tiny cup and have it with dessert.
So the color is gorgeous is like a straw, golden color. And it's a thicker style white wine. So we don't need to like swirl it and aerate it. You know, it it is, is not one of those wines that different aromas are gonna pop out if you keep swirling it. So we don't need to do that. But the color is just so super gorgeous. Let's get into the nose because the nose always knows.
When I tell you that this literally smells like grape juice in the honey. There's nothing else to it. It's so super simple, simple, beautiful wine.
. Oh, it's so sweet. You know, I like my dry reds. But this is a sweet white wine. It's full-bodied. There's no acidity to this. A lot of people use ice wines which is even sweeter than Mead. And they use as a dessert wine to pair with Foie Gras because of the acidity and the fatness. so they have a little bit of Mead or Ice Wine with a very long finish. You're not going to get tipsy on this wine because it has 8% Alcohol.
this is nice. This is more wine on me. All my sweet wine lovers are going to love this. But like I said, Please for the love of God.
Don't pull a full grant don't pour a full glass of this wine. It's this meant to be sipped. In the past, it was a wine served at weddings, and it was served as like a sweetener, a welcome home from battle for Knights. And it's no fabled to it that they would serve this tonight to take down the bitter taste of battle. I love a good story in the back of the wine in to learn more about wines. There are also meaderies there are many many meaderies all around the world and in Germany.
Tips I want to leave you with.
Mead is made from honey and fermented grape juice and in France they call me Hydrogel, which I thought was really really interesting.
It has a very, very low alcohol content.
This is not a high cost wise probably like around $10 $12 is not going to break the bank. gonna elevate your wine education. So I encourage you to go out try it.
I will be back the week after next with another fabulous wine to educate you on please head over to https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mowineforu if you want to show some love to Mo Wine. If you find this Mead and taste it. Please reach out to me on social media. I'm on Instagram @mowineforu for you Facebook at @mowineforu, Twitter @mowineforu, and all the interwebs. I would love to hear from you. If you're listening to this episode, take a screenshot to send it to me. I want to see the people I want to get all of the goods you are getting from me. Until next time, Ciao a tutti!