1) If you could host any TV show that is or has been on the air which one would it be?
2) What is one popular artist (In Music, Comedy, Acting and so on) that you “Just don’t get”?
3) If you could domesticate any animal in the world to be your house hold pet (No expense spared) what animal would it be?
4) If you could be any type of doctor/physician or medical specialist which one would it be?
5) If you had to break up with someone and you could choose any method of telling them (over the phone, Text, Fax, In person, other) which way would you want it to be and how would you like to be broken up with?
6) Part1 - If you had to choose any comic book super power what would it be
6) Part2 - If your comic book super power was having sex with dead people to bring them back to life would you use it?itunes:summary>