This episode explains different reasons why women experience depression.
Depression can be from chemical imbalances in the brain. The chemicals or neurotransmitters that are involved include serotonin (Happy hormone), acetylcholine (memory hormone), dopamine (action hormone/movement), and norepinephrine (react hormone).
Depression may also be caused by other underlying medical conditions such as thyroid issues, cancer, and other diseases.
Depression may also be genetic.
Things you can do to help with depression
1. Consult your medical practitioner
2. Nutrition-A lot of fruits and vegetables (live foods)
3. Exercise -increases serotonin levels; nothing strenuous; 30 minutes a day for 5 days. Examples: gardening, walking, resistant band training
4. Sunlight (Vitamin D absorption)
1. Citrus oils-uplift your mood (Lemon, Bergamot, Grapefruit)
2. Grounding oils-keep you centered, helps calm the nervous system (Frankincense, Vetiver, Myrrh)
Don't forget to contact me for a free consultation or for any questions about essential oils. My number is 682-220-9936. You can also follow me on IG at