Hope for the Animals

Nurturing Resilient Animal Advocates with Kimberley Carroll

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When Kimbery Carroll was first becoming an animal activist, she asked herself “Who is caring for the caretakers?” She has since dedicated herself to helping build resilient, mentally and emotionally healthy advocates. 

Kimberly is a coach for changemakers, campaigns strategist with Animal Justice, director of Animal Justice Academy, and a director with the Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank. With over 14 years as a coach and almost 20 years as an activist, Kimberly works with mission-driven leaders, social entrepreneurs, and other activists on high-performance habits and strategies to make them unstoppable. She’s helped empower thousands of activists and counseled those in high-stress positions like undercover investigators. She’s also passionate about environmental activism, democratic reform, and amplifying Indigenous and Black voices.


Vegan Studies Initiative at Arihanta Institute: https://www.arihantainstitute.org/vegan

Monthly Speaker Series: New Ethical Issues in Contemporary Veganism with Dr. Cheryl Abbate, July 15: Register for free

4-week Course- Debunking the Myth of Sustainable and Humane Animal Agriculture with Dr. Vasile Stanescu: Enroll with COUPON CODE for 25% off tuition fee: DEBUNK25! 

Kimberly Carroll

Coach for Changemakers: www.kimberlycarroll.com

Sign-up for Animal Justice Academy (FREE): www.animaljusticeacademy.com
Animal Justice: www.animaljustice.ca
Toronto Vegetarian Food Bank: www.vegfoodbank.com

Facebook: facebook.com/KimberlyCarrollPage
Instagram: @coachkimberlycarroll
YouTube: www.youtube.com/@kimberlycarrolltv

SIGN-UP (free) FOR THE CHANGEMAKER SESSIONS: https://kimberlycarroll.com/changemakersessions
- every second Wednesday at 7pm ET

Kimberly's FREE VIDEO MINI-COURSE - Power Tools for Changemakers: https://kimberlycarroll.com/power-tools-changemakers


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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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