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Tuesday, February 22, 2022 at 11 am Central Time - The 3 Steps to Reclaim Your Thyroid Health and Crush Your Fatigue w/out Crazy Dieting or Beating Yourself up at the Gym
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STAGE 0 - something is up; feeling tired, maybe a little anxious or sad in specific situations; maybe it’s harder to lose weight or maintain your weight; swelling in your hands/face/feet. You start to think you lack motivation, will power or are lazy.
STAGE 1 - more fatigue, more depression, more exercise, reduce calories. Possibly starting some habits of disordered eating. Reduce more calories, you get sick more easily.
STAGE 2 - we seek out help; told we’re normal not realizing your full thyroid function hasn’t really been tested. You’re told you’re just getting older and you should relax. You should get used to this. But there’s meds for x,y,z symptom so carry on…
STAGE 3 - you’re still struggling but worse now. You have more of everything - depression, weight gain, stress, maybe have a baby or some other major life stressor, poor stress management, cravings increase, maybe dx’d with clinical depression, autoimmune conditions or really poor gut health.
STAGE 4 - you bring yourself back in to a healthcare professional. You finally get a diagnosis! YAY! You can take a pill for it. All is good…until it isn’t.
STAGE 5 - You’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and decide to work with someone like me in the Thyroid Reset Method.