Chris Sayegh here, the CEO of @the_herbal_chef.
Our guest for Ep.4, Mario (Sherbinski) is what I'd consider a cannabis mogul. He's created such an incredible brand. He's been at the very start of it all and I'm really excited to get his perspective on what's happening with the cannabis industry and where people are moving with this whole entire industry.
Sherbinski is creating a legacy within the Cannabis world. He hopes that across the industry people realize the importance of giving back to your community.
“If you make your own money, you have the right to do whatever you want. I'm not knocking if you go spend $1,000 on shoes, God bless. But for me personally, the fact that eyes are on me, that I'm in the cannabis space, and that this is a business of like health, wellness, and giving back; I just don't think it's appropriate anymore. Yeah, you know, I think it's a shift of, okay, how are you giving to the community?”
⁃Mario Guzman (Sherbinski)
Be sure to check out Ep.4 of the OF EARTH podcast.
You can find it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Play
You can find Sherbinskis:
Instagram - @sherbinksi415 | @sherbinkskis