Jake and Anthony are joined by Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, Former Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and leader of ETH Zurich Space, to talk about some of the big stories in science at NASA—Mars Sample Return, cost growth in missions across the board, and more.
Note: Dr. Z cited the Europa Clipper solar arrays at 100 yards across, as in one football field, but clarified via email that they are actually 100 feet. He is European, so the football field mix up is understandable. Go Birds.
- Off-Nominal - YouTube
- Episode 172 (with Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen) - YouTube
- We’re finally going to the Solar System’s most intriguing but unexplored frontier - Ars Technica
- NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has reached its final destination. Let's celebrate the team that got it there (op-ed) | Space
- As Psyche Mission Moves Forward, NASA Responds to Independent Review | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
- Psyche review finds institutional problems at JPL - SpaceNews
- Bridenstine to Lead NASA Mars Sample Return Strategy Review – SpacePolicyOnline.com
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