Seven, 7, seven! The 1st Seven is for the Netzrah on the Sefirot, the 2nd Seven is for Shannon and her divine wisdom and the teacher she is and continues to become, the 3rd is for the Godhead - which if anyone catches that the Netzrah means Godhead then you can see we've made a full circle of completion. We are rising and advancing into the 6th dimension, hoping, praying, wishing, and working towards obtaining the 7th dimension. The 7th is of peace, dignity, absolution, renderance, and self-acceptance, all resulting in the universal self-love we owe, want, and strive to achieve for each other. Take a ride, dive, and fun time with Shannon and I as we skim the service of the Hermetic Principles and their foundation of creation. Shannon takes a mesmerizing toll on how to work with them and our chakra system and how the 2 align. This I believe is a chosen and miraculous alignment of an episode helping show us a pivotal dualism inside of us that is the core of our masculine and feminine, and so much this 2 portal is opening for us to shed and achieve.
We are releasing this episode on the holiday of Valentine's Day. While we focus on our immediate loved one, spouse, and other half, we forget sometimes that we are all each others other halves, other quarters, and other fractalized pieces of this Universe. Shannon is that for me (Marie), she is another version of me and I of her living out similar but the same timelines here in this current incarnation. I thought there would be no better way to honor her than to make the episode on her favorite number, the number of her being, and her resonant frequency about her and all of the personal work she also does. Shannon also has her own healing podcast titled Seven!
Happy Duality Day!
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