On this episode of On the Couch with Liberation, we sit down and have an intimate conversation with Dr. Amy Reynolds who is the current Division 17 President about her PhD journey and the powerful mentorship relationships she had, identity development, and the importance of having a social justice praxis as an individual and field. Dr. Reynolds she is a professor in the Counseling, School and Educational Psychology Department at the University at Buffalo. She received her bachelors degree at Miami university, and her masters and doctoral degree at THE Ohio State University. Her scholarship primarily focuses on multicultural competence and training in counseling psychology and higher education. Her research specifically focuses on expanding the multicultural knowledge base through scholarship on race, racial identity, and racism-related stress, queer and trans identity, acculturation, and other multicultural issues. Dr. Reynolds is also an award-winning psychologist. She is the recipient of the Lifetime Commitment to Education Training Award, the American College and Personnel Association Diamond Honoree and an American Psychological Association Division 17 Fellow amongst other awards.