In part two of Pants on Fire, Pastor Karin tackles the three most common lies that the enemy whispers about us. The enemy should not be given more credit than he deserves, but he is the father of lies, and we would be foolish not to have a plan to defeat his lies. Too many Christians and those on their journey towards Christ get derailed from fulfilling their God-given purpose when they accidentally agree with a lie of the enemy. Whether you are newer in your faith journey or a seasoned Christian, the enemy doesn't give up easily.
Focusing on 1 Peter 2:9-12, we are reminded of our position as sons and daughters of God that refutes the enemy's whispers. Empowered by God's word and three practical strategies, this sermon can help you be prepared to recognize the lies of the enemy, renounce the lies, and replace them with truth. Pants on Fire is a two-part series. And while most of us remember "Liar, liar, pants on fire" from childhood, it is time for followers of Christ to stop letting the enemy's lies about God and about us keep us from the fullness of life that God intends.