Rich and Josh discuss triggered in 2020, half-note solo, exquisite corpse, third party phone service, unlimited evenings and weekends, designated delivery person, nothing from Margaret, candy-grams, stiff upper lips, misreading the situation, university emails, great Northern people, seeming fairly happy, scrambling to readjust plans, the birth of our saviour, tummy problems, mailing the degree, fun legal things, eating in restaurants, pulling out an inhaler, introductory videos, pretending to be tired, batching, keeping the magic alive, an inflated sense of success, flying out of January buzzing, tickling feet to get running, engaging in nostalgia, a live record again, Starbucks, breaking fire code regulations, dodgy dealings, editorializing, not connecting, audience participation, not even knowing you wanted it, subpar versions, something from the new album, a musician’s responsibility, and Neil Young’s Live at the Cellar Door.
Next time: Tuscaloosa