After completing the material in this chapter each student should:-
* be able to draw the scheme and write the differential equations for a one compartment pharmacokinetic model with elimination of drug and metabolite into urine (parallel pathways of elimination)
* to use the appropriate integrated equations for this pharmacokinetic model to calculate amount of drug excreted into urine
* be able to plot cumulative amount excreted versus time, A.R.E. versus time and rate of excretion versus time (midpoint) and use these graphs to calculate pharmacokinetci parameters
* be able to define, use, and calculate the parameters:
* * ke (excretion rate constant)
* * km (metabolism rate constant)
* * U∞ and M∞
* * fe and fm
* * renal and non renal clearance
* be able to use fe, the fraction excreted, to calculate overall elimination rate constants in patients with impaired renal function