#6: Nico shares his C.H.A.M.P.I.O.N. program that he developed as he trained and worked with developing leaders in his consulting business and within his own company. The program covers the following areas:
Chrono - Covering Time Management
Habits - Learn to Automate Your Life
Attitude & Approach - How do you get after it? (Hero/Underdog?)
Motivation/Mindfulness - How do you get fired up and how do you feel about it? Are you present with your intentions?
Personal Brand - What’s your brand and is it a true reflection of your authentic self?
Interpersonal Relationships - Who is your inner circle and do they add value to your life? Or are they taking it from you?
Opportunities for Improvement - Do you have Self Awareness of the areas you can improve?
Networking - Expand your worldview and make friends to expand your horizons?
I would love your feedback, so please always feel free to email me directly at [email protected] or follow and message me on Instagram/Twitter.
Let's Connect!
Instagram: @nicobecerraesq
Twitter: @PlasticHumans
LinkedIn: Nico Becerra - Operator | Lawyer | Coach
Website: www.plastichuman.com