In our last episode, we discussed old mechanics from 40K’s history. This time, we’re focusing on one specific aspect of the game – vehicles. From the days of Third Edition with armor facings and penetration rolls, to glance-locking vehicles in Fifth Edition, to the introduction of Flyers in Sixth Edition, all the way through the Eighth and Tenth Edition reboots, we delve into the history of tanks and transports and such. We also look at how vehicles are (and possibly aren’t) working in Tenth Edition, where we think any issues might lie, and whether or not Games Workshop is likely to do much about it. We also take a small tangent to look at holiday bundle sales and what that might mean for how people are approaching this year’s collections.
Theme: Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle-001/II ‘No Need to Reload’ by RoeTaKa, courtesy of OCRemix.
The post Episode 312: Vehicles in 40K, Then and Now first appeared on Preferred Enemies - A Warhammer 40K Podcast.