How do you prepare for the MMI multiple mini interview? As more medical schools adopt this format, premed students need to be prepared to interview at medical schools that use this format. In this episode, Dr. Rajani Katta, author of The Medical School Interview and the MMI: Strategies From Admissions Faculty, breaks down the process of preparing for your MMI. Although some schools have written that there is no way to prepare for the MMI, Dr. Katta reviews the ways in which students can start to prepare. Although you can’t predict which questions will be asked, you can prepare to be asked to participate in a task scenario, an acting scenario, or a discussion question prompt. Some schools also include traditional interview questions and behavioral interview questions as one of their MMI stations. These strategies can help you excel during your MMI.
If you'd like to sign up for free excerpts of both of our med school interview books, you can sign up here.
The Medical School Interview book: Winning Strategies from Admissions Faculty
The Medical School Interview 101 Online Course
Preparing for Your MMI: 9 Strategies
Answering ethical scenarios
Podcast episode on the ethical principles underlying medicine
Part 2: Podcast episode on the ethical principles underlying medicine
The Successful Match blog