The nationally active organizations that drive the Fora Bolsonaro Campaign met this Tuesday, June 22, to assess last Saturday's demonstrations and to discuss the continuity of mobilizations to end the criminal and disastrous government of Jair Bolsonaro.
The following is a brief summary of the discussion:
1. The more than 427 events held at #ForaBolsonaro in Brazil and abroad brought together more than 750,000 people. They took place in a greater number of cities and countries, had more strength and visibility, expanded the reach of the campaign, reinforcing the message that the country no longer tolerates the misgovernance of Jair Bolsonaro, like the denunciation we already made on May 29 and in earlier mobilization dates.
Sanitary care was reinforced, with the distribution of masks, alcohol gel and the permanent concern to avoid crowding as much as possible.
2. The mobilization of the streets was reproduced and amplified by interactions on social networks that clearly and in the majority express the mourning for the death of 500,000 Brazilians and the indignation at the Bolsonaro government's incompetence and indifference to the sanitary, economic and social crisis caused by that passes the country.
3. Our banners of unity and fight in defense of vaccination for all people, against hunger, for jobs and for emergency aid of R$600 remain current. To them we add the defense of public services and the fight against cuts in education, spending ceilings, administrative reform and privatization. The fight against racism, violence and the defense of the rights of indigenous peoples were also highlighted among the protesters, and should grow in our next mobilizations.
4. Despite the large demonstrations, the alarming number of deaths in Brazil and the crimes that are being brought to the public on a daily basis by the CPI of the Pandemic, the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies is insensitive and keeps more than 100 requests in the drawer. impeachments filed against Jair Bolsonaro. The federal government, in turn, only reaffirms its policy of national destruction. Proof of this is the authorization to privatize Eletrobras, which will lead to a recognized increase in the already high electricity tariffs.]
Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Stone Cold Bush
Faith No More – From Out Of Nowhere
Rage Against The Machine – Bombtrack
Audioslave – Show Me How To Live
Motley Crue – Shout Of Devil
Black Sabbath – The Mob Rules
Charlie Brown Jr. – Protesto
Capital Inicial – Podres Poderes