We'll have to rethink and change the global food system.
Rajni Aneja, Managing Director of the Cornell Institute for Food Systems in the Industry Partnership Program at Cornell University, shares her vision over the importance of supporting academic research dedicated to solving problems related to climate change and its severe consequences in light of the need of feeding more than 10 billion people by 2050, while tackling serious health problems.
Beyond investments and collaborative large-scale initiatives across all stakeholders within the entire value chain, supporting high-end academic research is key to appropriately address major concerns such as climate change, resource scarcity, food security, health, nutrition and animal cruelty.
This presentation opened the third day of the 2021 ProteinX Symposium, an experience-led digital event promoted by the proteinX Foundation, that united students, scientists, chefs and visionary entrepreneurs from around the world to discuss scientifically meaningful, potentially transformative, innovation and education projects for the future of food, focusing on next-gen proteins, and their potential contribution to improve life on our planet.