Monica and Bronwyn talk to Rach and Dene about obligations to pay financial support for children when relationships break down or when using a sperm donor.
child support paymentscalculation of financial support required throughout the life of the dependant childprivate agreements and liabilities of sperm donorsreview of financial support when a parent’s financial circumstances change solution.JOY Law – on-air and via podcast
The team from KHQ Lawyers join Rach, Jacq and Dene for ‘JOY Law’, a regular segment where we discuss legal issues of interest to the LGBTI and ally community.
Join the team each Tuesday at 4.45pm on JOY 94.9 to learn more about:
family law advice for rainbow familiessurrogate, sperm and egg donation agreementsadoption and co-parentingestate planningsuccession planning, andtaxation.Missed an episode? Subscribe to ‘Rach, Jacq and Dene’ on iTunes or download from the JOY website.
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