Just because you make decisions that set you back or put you into financial, emotional or relational debt, does not mean that your best life is no longer ahead of you. Living your best possible life is always an option, and, using the law of attraction, Emma Mumford is the prime example of this. In this two-part episode, we get into Emma Mumford's story of she leveraged her relationship with the universe and understanding of manifestation with the law of attraction to take her from deeply emotional and monetary debt to today, living a life of wealth, freedom and abundance.
"I looked out my window and I cried for help and help came."
Emma Mumford is a life coach, blogger, best-selling author, Youtuber, podcaster (Spiritual Queen's Badass Podcast) — and a Spiritual Queen. Today, through her work, she helps thousands of people understand and master the law of attraction in order to manifest their best possible lives.
Once you understand and embrace the law of attraction, you can work alongside it to cultivate the life that your inner voice has been telling you is possible for you. The life that you have the choice to live, or, to pass up.
Also in this two-part series:
- Angel Numbers (i.e. 1111) and what they mean: https://www.kylegray.co.uk/
- Gabrielle Bernstein on asking for signs from the universe and your spirit guides
- How to properly manifest—identify and remove the blocks you have
- Emma Mumford on her time as the coupon queen
- Law of Attraction Basics
Emma's book, Positively Wealthy, is out June 9, 2020: https://www.amazon.com/Positively-Wealthy-manifesting-sustainable-abundance/dp/178678436X
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoekenealy/
My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-MGaDn7FaFJ34esbKKfslA
Emma's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamemmamumford/
Emma's Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7-hFhNRH28hp1TfAYburpw
Emma's Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/pl/podcast/spiritual-queens-badass-podcast/id1321405576