We're taking a short summer break, but we'll be back at the end of August with brand new episodes.
Lose your heart to NephMadness 2022! Dr. Joel Topf (@kidney_boy) and Dr. Sadiya Khan (@HeartDocSadiya) tackle the NephMadness 2022 Cardiorenal Syndrome region, leading us through the pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndrome, how to approach the creatinine “bump” with diuresis, managing patients with diuretic resistance, and more.
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Show Segments
Intro, disclaimer, guest biosGuest one-liners, Introduction to Nephmadness 2022Case #1 from Kashlak: acute decompensated heart failure with elevated creatinineDefinition and pathophysiology of cardiorenal syndromeUse of home ACE-is/ARBs and SGLT-2 inhibitors in cardiorenal syndromeCase #2 from Kashlak: the creatinine bump with diuresisApproach to the creatinine bump with diuresisTips for the volume examInterpreting cardiac biomarkers in patients with chronic kidney diseaseCase #3 from Kashlak: diuretic resistanceMaximizing loop diuretic efficacySequential nephron blockadeUse of hypertonic salineOutro
Producer, Writer, Show Notes, Infographics: Malini GandhiCover Art: Beth GarbitelliHosts: Matthew Watto MD, FACP; Paul Williams MD, FACP Reviewer: Emi Okamoto MD, FACPExecutive Producer: Beth GarbitelliShowrunner: Matthew Watto MD, FACPEditor: Clair Morgan of nodderly.comGuest: Dr. Joel Topf MD, Dr. Sadiya Khan MDSponsor: Beginly Health
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