Mentally STRONG Academy: Embrace the Journey

Redefining Resilience: Kelli's Bold Stand about Suicide | Kelli Reinhardt Bcc Evolution

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Join us for a powerful and inspiring conversation with Kelli Reinhardt, founder of BCC Evolution, a nonprofit dedicated to mental health and suicide awareness. In this interview with Dr. B, Kelli shares her deeply personal journey of loss and grief after her sister's tragic suicide, and how she transformed her pain into a purposeful mission to help others.

Discover Kelli's insights on the importance of mental health education, destigmatization, and community support in preventing suicide and supporting those in crisis. Learn about practical resources and actionable tips for navigating mental health challenges and supporting loved ones through difficult times.

Through vulnerability and resilience, Kelli's story reminds us that healing is possible, and no one has to face mental health struggles alone. Join us as we embrace the journey of hope, connection, and empowerment in the fight against suicide and mental illness.

Need immediate support?
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 
Dial or text: 988 in the U.S.A. or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 
Safe 2 Tell Colorado 1-877-542-7233
Crisis Text Line "HOME" to 741-741

According to the CDC:
1 in 5 adults experience a mental illness in a given year.
1 in 25 Americans lives with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depression.
Suicide as cause of death in Colorado was #1 for ages 10-14 and #2 for ages 15-44 in 2019.
According to the Colorado Health Institute: 
1 in 10 people in Colorado did not receive proper health care in 2019. 
Less than 1/3 of Coloradans who were diagnosed with a mental disorder (anxiety, depression, etc.) and who committed suicide received mental health care.
42% of Colorado youth (LGBTQIA) considered suicide in 2019 verses 13.4% of heterosexual youth.
Systemic Racism in Healthcare is a real issue nationally and in Colorado.
5 in 5 of us have mental health. 
And almost everyone in the world has experience with someone that has attempted or completed suicide. Or has personally, or known someone who has lived with or struggled with a mental health challenge.

It is time to break the silence and stigma around talking about mental health and bring light to the epidemic of suicide. This world is in a mental health crisis, it is a global issue. More people now than ever are suffering, struggling, experiencing or living with a mental health challenge.
BCC Evolution was designed for those that want to get educated about mental health and suicide for more understanding and have the capability to help others when in need. Also a place to see the faces, names and stories of those that are ready to speak up and honor the lives of those lost or honor themselves for the journey they have survived. Everything we do is education based. 

#SuicidePrevention #MentalHealthMatters #Hope #Healing #EndTheStigma #Support #Community #Empowerment #BCCevolution #DrBInterview 
#SelfCare #Mindfulness #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment #MentalHealthMatters #CristiBundukamara #PainandPurpose #MentalStrength #mentallystrong 

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Mentally STRONG Academy: Embrace the JourneyBy Cristi Bundukamara

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