Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
What Was I Afraid Of?
Dancing was a fear of mine. My real fear was embarrassing myself on the dance floor. One night at a local Meetup, I had a lightbulb moment. Those who danced were meeting far more people than I was. Before this day, I had no intention of ever getting out on the dance floor.
I knew this was another chance for me to step out of my comfort zone. I had no idea what a difference this one decision would make.
But I Just Can’t…
Often I take away my own ability to do something just by saying so. We all have something we say we “can’t do.” When I say that I can’t do something, I take away the possibility of it altogether.
What’s holding you back?
The movie “Back to the Future" highlights how tiny decisions are affecting his whole life, as Marty sees how his life would have been different by making alternative choices. He is warned that the slightest incidents while he is time traveling could change the entire course of human history.
This movie gives a great visual illustration of how a slight event shift now can alter your very real life later. In a real sense, that’s what you have the opportunity to do. While you can’t go back in time, you can redirect the course you are on, and change your future forever.
Any decision you make, including doing nothing at all, affects your future. You are writing the script to your life, and the decisions you make, one by one, affect the script.