In early October, we recognised Mental Health Awareness Day in schools in the UK. Now I realise that different nations recognise a day, or week, at different times of the year, but as I like to think along the lines of a global perspective in my reach, I really don't mind when it's recognised as long as we ensure that it is recognised...and without stigma. If you're a frequent guest to The Greenhouse, firstly a HUGE thank you! Secondly, you will already be aware that I am not a great fan of a day's, or week's, or month's awareness of many things - be it: Fathers' Day, Mental Health Awareness Week, or Black History Month for example; I believe that if it's worth being aware of, then it's worth being aware of all the time, consistently, or definitely more than just highlighted for a day or week or month. How about constant awareness, (or celebration) all year long? Selah. There are many alternatives prescribed by well-meaning professionals and people to treat this scourge of our times, which is mental health illness, but as we stay aware of the reality of it (and stay away from the stigma of it), may we remember and give a moment of thought to the Divine power of melodic sound... music. This universal language, which has the ability to engender song, inner and outer melody and harmonies, dance, movement, enjoyment and ultimately worship (for which you were created by the way!). Far from being an attempt to offer music as a substitute for medication, my thoughts here merely share a facet of an holistic approach to mind health and self care, by exploring its numerous benefits. So maestro please...let the music play!