In episode #339 Kim discusses the 3 KEYS (aka fundamental truths) that are ESSENTIAL for a deeper relationship with God and why they are non-negotiable for a healthy marriage.
The keys to experiencing intimacy and unity with God in marriage include 3 Key Terms & Conditions: Rest, Remember, and Receive. Kim will explain how God's non-negotiable T&C's are how He expects us to serve Him… and why many Believers don't adhere to these conditions.
Let's begin with REST. In the Bible, "rest" was the day set aside as the Sabbath in order to separate your mind and actions from your work. The Sabbath is HOLY… to be separate and set apart. The Sabbath is the "time" to refresh and restore oneself from labor. This was God's eternal covenant… which means it's still valid today. Lastly, Rest is the FOREVER SIGN that distinguishes God's people from the rest of the world.
Here's the thing about REST. If you want to maintain your objectivity, to be separate, uncontrolled and independent from the world, YOU MUST PRACTICE REST. Rest is a NON-NEGOTIABLE term. Spoiler alert: the world is NOT set up for us to REST. As a reminder, resting on the Sabbath is God's fourth commandment.
Why is it hard to rest? Simply, Satan steals your time, kills your desire, and destroys your ability to be intimate in unity with God… and it's working. Anxiety in the world today is OFF THE CHARTS; anxiety is the lack of the ability to rest.
In order to rest, we must REMEMBER… through our communion with Christ. Just like Rest, the next "term" that God has instituted is communion (breaking of the bread and the blood) to establish, confirm, and maintain the covenant with Israel. In the Old Testament, Communion was essential in displaying obedience to the covenant. In the new covenant, communion is essential to "remember" or be "remembered" with Christ -- to be eternally connected to God through Christ.
Here's the thing about REMEMBER. Jesus instituted communion in the manner in which He was to be remembered based on the precedent set by HIS Father. Jesus said He WAS the bread and blood of the new covenant that we can enter on through Him. Lastly, the focus of remembrance was Jesus' death… NOT His resurrection.
Spoiler alert: when Jesus said "remember me", He was NOT referring to His resurrection but to His death. Death is the release of the "old life". Resurrection is the gaining of a "new life". Yet the mainstream Church focuses on the resurrection and what we gain and so little time on the remembrance of Jesus' death. Both are important, but here's the difference. The resurrection is essential to the way of God. Without it, Jesus would be no different than any other "god" that was put up, went down, and stayed there.
But Jesus didn't call us to remember His resurrection. Why? Because Death sets us free from the bondage of sin. It separates us from illness, anxiety, pride, rebellion, lust, etc. Jesus didn't just die for these things… He became them. His Life in exchange for our life.
The last key element is RECEIVE. It's only when you REST that you're in a position to REMEMBER. Both are pre-requisites to RECEIVE. We MUST receive, and you cannot receive what you don't remember. You cannot remember unless we rest. So, if you want to receive anything from God, it will come from a place of rest and remembering Jesus and His death.
If you want to be intimate God, in unity with HIM, you must do it HIS way… and not on our terms.
His T&C's are non-negotiable.
Gen 2:1-3; Ex 28?; Ex 31:16-17; Mark 2:27-28; Heb 4:1-11; Ps 46:10; Gen 14:17-20; Ex 24:6-8; Mat 26:26-29; 1 Cor 11:23-26; 1 Cor 10:1-8; Num 11:17; 25-26, 29; Num 24:1-4; 2 Peter 2:15; Rev 2:14; John 4:13-14; John 20:19-22; John 16:12-14; John 15:26; 1 Cor 4:7; 2 Thess 2:9-11