As a struggling university student, end of the 2nd year failing assignments, not having financial capability, unregulated & difficult emotions, problems with relationships & parents, I took a step to resolve these life issues I was having. I wasn’t coping with my current life & I knew something needed to change but I wasn’t sure what. Whilst being a student mental-health nurse I knew that my mind was the first step needed to tackle. ‘I want to be a good mental-health nurse’ is the intention I had. Little did I know that, from that intention led me to the person that I am today. Follow my journey on Instagram @repairmymind. Also a BIG thank you to all those mentioned on my podcast who are on Instagram: @the.holistic.psychologist, @seerutkchawla, @lizlistens, @markmetry, @mastinkipp & SO MANY MORE that I am grateful for