Hope for the Animals

Rest in Power Karen Davis

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This episode is dedicated to the legendary Karen Davis, PhD, founder and president of United Poultry Concerns (UPC). Karen died on Nov. 4th 2023 of cancer. Vegan since 1983, Karen was an activist, author, outspoken animal advocate, and had a sanctuary for rescued birds on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. 

United Poultry Concerns was the first sponsor of this podcast and our host, Hope Bohanec, worked with Karen at UPC for close to a decade from 2012 - 2021. Karen started United Poultry Concerns, the first ever organization focused on chickens, in 1990. She wrote numerous books on chickens and turkeys and advocated for an end to not only the farming of these birds, but also cock fighting, down, foie gras, Kapporos, birds used in experimentation, and many other exploitive practices involving chickens and other birds. 

This episode is a compilation of highlights from the four times Karen was on the podcast. Karen tells the story of how she was inspired by the animal rights movement in the 1980s and how she started United Poultry Concerns. Karen shares some of her philosophies and unique thoughts about chickens and animal advocacy. She also talks about the plight and delight of turkeys. She discusses the importance of language and reveals how she believed chickens, and all animals, have Earth Rights. Rest in Power Karen, we will carry on in your honor. 


United Poultry Concerns

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Hope for the AnimalsBy Hope Bohanec

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